Hello and Welcome to Peak View!


We are Darrin and Sarah Milner plus 4 and raising another 2 if you count our β€˜farm dogs’….. Tilly, the Jack Russell and Frankie our Border Collie, always by our side wanting in on the action. 

We are a family owned and run farm, situated near Capella in Central Queensland. Our love of the land, we both owe to our family upbringings.  

When the conditions are right for growing, the veggie patch is brimming with seasonal produce, fruits from our little bush orchard and the paddocks grazed by our Droughmaster cattle.

With our youngest 2 and I being lactose intolerant, my passion for dairy goats was born and my obsession has continued to grow and expand!…if you get my drift?

Our dream at Peak View is simple:

To create quality hand-crafted product straight from our farm gate to you using the seasonal bounty from our garden and the rich, creamy goats milk from our girls.


Our Values

Hand Crafted

Quality Products

Natural Ingredients

Australian Made


We have our chooks, ducks and free range guinea fowls that roam  the Orchard and Veggie Gardens daily.


We are extremely passionate about our little place in the bush.

Life is busy, some days harder than others.  We are often faced with the challenges that are considered β€˜normal’ when living rurally. There is no place we would rather be, making a living, raising a  family and bringing you a piece of our farm.


When it comes to farming we love that no two days are the same!


Get To Know Us


Food, wine & good company 
my goats
being creative


rural life

runs on little sleep

Beer & Caramel Tart

my old ute
