Our Goats



Grass > Milk

Our expanding family of dairy goats convert tasty grass, legumes and weeds into rich milk that we turn into creamy goat soap from the mornings milk. They love to be social, with breakfast and milking out of the way, they head out to graze happily in our paddocks alongside our Droughtmaster cattle. After a day of cheeky adventures and bellies full, retire for the evening tucked up in their goat shed.


Our herd of dairy goats are made up of British Alpines and Anglo Nubians. They all have names and their own quirky personalities, you can learn more about them below.

Did You Know?

Goats have a gestation period of five months and on average they will have 2.2 kids per year!

Dairy Goats are terrified of water and will run for shelter at the first sight of rain.

Goats use a sneeze sound to alarm each other of danger whether real or imagined.

Milk > Soap

Meet Our Goats

10 mths Old


⟡ Has a twin sister Maddie an older sister Mia and her Mums name is Matilda. Did you pick on the ‘M’ theme?

⟡ Gentle natured and will let you know when she would like some attention.

⟡ Is the youngest goat in our herd but doesn’t let age hold her back.

5 yrs Old

Miss Fine

⟡ Don’t let those gorgeous long ears fool you….she could really do with an attitude adjustment!

⟡ Facial hair in the form of a small beard is now the norm for her since her last kidding.

⟡ Is the ever doting Mum to her kids, especially the boys.

2 yrs Old


⟡ Would be our shyest goat, until she gets to know you.

⟡ When she rests her head on your shoulder, it feels just like a big hug, just goat style.

⟡ Long ears, long lashes and a mottled coat of brown, white and tan patterns would be every girls dream I would think?

2 yrs Old


⟡ The nosey neighbour! She will be onto you quicker than you can say ‘ you’ve got to be kidding me!’

⟡ It will be her first time kidding this season….will it be twins?

⟡ There is that one goat at every meal that chokes on their food…yep it’s her.


Happy Goats = Creamy Soap



Warm Beds


Big Paddocks



Fresh Grass


Long Hugs